I so needed this read. I have been finding myself wrestling with "doubt" for so many years. But it's not doubt. It's questioning. Thank you for sharing.

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WELL SAID.......QUESTIONS KEEP MY FAITH NIMBLE. It is soooo easy to be certain of everything and have everything settled, just like a comfortable pair of pajamas. Unfortunately for me is the fact that I grow as a person as God gives me opportunity to chew on the real meat in life not just always feeding me mashed bananas. NOTE TO SELF JUST FOR CLARITY:

Take off your pajamas once a week and try on your clothes to make sure they still fit.

Your pajamas are LIARS, and the TRUTH is not IN THEM!!! Bill

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I am right there with you, friend. And, truly, feel like the Lord put you back in my inbox in recent weeks because of our similar spirit. Thank you for sharing!

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Eloquent and thought provoking.

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Thank you. ❤️

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"God is a fan of the question mark."

That got me to hit the Subscribe button. 😊

(My childhood rabbi once said to me [paraphrased]: "I don't have a lot of the answers you're seeking, but to ask these questions -- *that's* what it means to be a Jew." At the time, I was immensely frustrated by my tradition's lack of a definitive Answer Key. Now that I'm in my 60s, I appreciate its divinely-inspired genius.)

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Gracious, MK. It's now 10am and I have tears (and some snot...sorry, TMI🤣🤦) of joy.

In the last two and a half years, I have had to go back on chemo. My BC blew up, and I was given a poor prognosis.

But today, one day after my most recent treatment, I wake up to this beautiful think piece you wrote and I weep with gratitude. I've had lots of questions and, sometimes, anger over the circumstances my failing body has dragged my family through. I rail against God, begging for answers. Why? I did "everything" right (I'm a cautious nurse doggone it!). Why me? Do you even love me, God, because it doesn't feel good.

I have no idea what this hands are doing. But I know from everything else in my forty years of life, He has never failed me. So...I dunno about His hand. No clue what He's up to.

But I know I can absolutely trust His heart.

Love you, sister. So grateful for you and your gifts of empathy, compassion,and grit. Thank you for sharing this with us. God bless you today and always 🥰

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Thank you 🙏🏻❤️

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