As a 30+ year teacher, my heart still hurts from Sandy Hook. I had a old student call me that day crying, saying she knew I would have kept them safe. I am still trying. I cry when I think of trees with unopened packages under them of Sandy Hook parents. DO SOMETHING!!!!

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Lying here racking my brain for what else I can do aside from signing petitions, calling congress, or marching with other parents and students, but I can’t get past money! The billionaire class stands ready to take over and if it doesn’t make money for them, any plan to protect our children seems doomed to fail falling on deaf ears.😞

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I couldn't agree more.

My heart splinters and hurts every single time this happens.

It’s never enough for politicians.

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I was a candidate for the Iowa Senate this year in a mostly red, very rural district. I had the endorsement of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown. They sent me a pin to wear on my lapel. My friend, a state representative, cautioned me about "crowing" about that endorsement. Give me a break.

Thank you for the column. I don't know what to do with my rage. I will keep going to Des Moines and lobbying. It's fun to watch the NRA lobbyist's face with our group of women and children come to the rotunda with our Red T-shirts. He visibly crumples and says, OH, SHIT.

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The “Good Samaritan“ didn’t pray; or at least if he did, it wasn’t significant enough for Jesus to mention it. He was praised for his compassion, kindness, and actions; not his “thoughts and prayers”.

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I had shivers up and down my ageing spine while I read your profound truthful statement. And naive as I was after Sandy Hook ("finally, something will happen to stop this madness") I was gobsmacked into a reality of nation a which doesn't honor life, period .

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One of the last shootings - I had written on FB and sent to senators etc…

“ Enough! Ban assault weapons NOW”

The responses I received were appalling- enough so that I am not on FB anymore.

Christian responses “ this is not a GUN problem - it is a parenting problem “

Our senators response was about 4 paragraphs long explaining WHY it’s not that easy??!!

When our constitution was written our “ bearing arms” weapons were a lot different.

Mary Katherine: I have been a free subscriber for a long time - I have all your books - and I love you! Today I am signing up as a “ paid subscriber “. Your words cover so gracefully and powerfully what I feel but am never able to write.

Thank you!!!

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What I see as a Canadian looking in at the USA is that the political spectrum is mostly pro-birth and not as they espouse pro-life. And this is shown in all this. Do everything they must to ensure that a child is born, but after that no responsibility afterwards for schools or school safety or for the families either. You see it in the attacks on minimum wages for workers, you see it in abortion and other policies, you see it in maternity leave policies and healthcare and other areas. Attack any program that could extend life at the cost of government money. Then only the wealthy can afford to live and survive and thrive.

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