My oldest had a raised fire truck bed. He went thru a phase where he was sure there was an alligator under his bed and wouldn't get into it to go to bed. I made "alligator spray" - green food coloring, water and a little vanilla. We would go in with him watching spray around the perimeter of the bed and then the alligator was gone and he would go to bed and sleep! Eventually the alligator disappeared and the spray was no longer needed

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There was a point my 3 yr old told me Michael Jackson was in her room. It was about a month after he died, we didn't really watch television and we hadn't discussed him that we knew of. It was extra scary and honestly I would prefer she saw the night night angel.

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I love your writing so much 😂❤️

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That must have been scary for you. About two weeks ago, I turned the corner to go in my home office after I had eaten lunch. Ready to get busy with work, I saw my Dad sitting in my office chair. It was brief and then he was gone. It was very cool but it was my Dad not a red eyed ghost 🙂. I quickly logged in my computer. He had not done a single bit of my work 😂. Actually my Dad never touched a computer in his life so I wasn’t surprised he did not finish any of my projects. He died in 1996. I still miss him. 💙

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My granddaughter was 2 and told us her grandmother had tickled her feet while she was in bed . I said I didn’t tickle your feet. She pointed at my mother’s picture who died before she was born. Not you Gaga she said, that grandmother!

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Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the best. When you hear hoofbeats in Texas, think horses before zebras.

Imaginary Friends are common in children. This is much simpler than trying to explain the existence of ghosts, don't you think?

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I’d like to think so, but there’s the whole red eyed crying thing. Not super friendly haha. (I’m still undecided on where I stand, to be honest.)

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Sometimes I wondered if my daughter's imaginary friend was ghost. How many 4 year olds have an imaginary friend who "walks with a stick".

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