I can so relate to this. When I "came out" as a liberal on Facebook, I lost a whole church full of friends, most of whom still refuse to talk to me. It was (and is) agonizing and devastating. So right now it's pretty much "me and Jesus, we got our own thing going," because even liberal churches I find challenging for a host of reasons. I like to think God understands. And if someone tells me She doesn't, I just smile and walk away.

But what we're doing here is important. Because the rise of Christian nationalism is toxic and destructive, and we must do what we can to support and help each other and show the world that not all Christians are hateful and mean-spirited.

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MK, I’ve been on this journey with you for quite some time and I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have found you when I did. Every TIME you have made a post, it has been one I could have written myself (if I had been given the gift of creative writing like you). I just read it and think “yes. That. All of that” I had all but lost my faith because of how my religion was treating people I loved. I wanted no part in it and if that was Christianity, I certainly wasn’t a Christian. You and all the other deconstructers I found through you are the reason my faith is stronger than ever. I found my community, however spread out they may be, because of you. God is working through you and I hope you know that.

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As always, what you write is so kind and loving and generous. What really impresses me is that you are learning all these things at a relatively young age. I am in my late 60's and have only begun the kind of journey you are on in the last decade. So thank you, thank you, thank you!

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This is so relatable! Having been raised ‘holiness’ for 24 years and then divorcing, being shunned and being called everything from ‘satan’s sister’, to ‘Jezebel’, it’s been very hard to break down all the ‘programming’ and go back to the roots, the very basics, and start over these past 14 years. When your Christmas/humanity post went viral, something spoke to me then and said ‘she’s like you.’ and ever since I have followed you. The amount of love I have felt from God and finding you has been what keeps me going. Everything you write is so eerily the same as how I feel or what I’ve been saying.(even going thru our divorces at the same time.) You’ve made me smile thru crying tears and encouraged me when I’ve been my lowest. Thank you sis, for all you do! Merry Christmas!! Love you!! ❤️

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I love reading everything you write. So often you capture my thoughts so much more eloquently than I could do. I’m so glad I knew you back in high school when we dissected that pig. But glad I am able to know you as an adult. Keep being you. Ask those tough questions. And Jesus says love thy neighbor as yourself. If people are disinviting your kids to things shame on them. They’re not who you want to be around anyway. Just know I see you and love you.

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I understand you. I've experienced evangelical preaching and I found it lacking the voice and teaching of Jesus. I was exposed to many "Christian" faiths when growing up and my heart breaks for "baby" Christians whose only experience was with evangelical beliefs.

I got to "chose" my church . I have taken years of Bible studies and still do at the age of 76 years. My blessed Mother knew the Bible word for word and I chose her church theology. No one church is " one size fits all". Much love to you for your journey. I'm with you.

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I so love the way you cut through the rhetoric and get to the heart of what it means to truly love as Jesus did. 💞

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MK, Thank you for your vulnerability and your strength in voicing your growth. I live in a conservative community within a state that is viewed as liberal. It was interesting for me to see over a dozen Trump signs for every on Harris sign, as I biked around my community and the opposite when I biked around my sister's metro neighborhood. The reality of growth requires evolving beliefs and I choose to grow. I have experienced the sting of harsh posts and comments from family and friends who do not recognize the value of growing as a person and shifting interpretation of scripture to better reflect the words and actions of Jesus. I continue to believe in prayer, therefore I find it so ironic that I know people who are praying for changes in this country that are nearly the opposite of my prayers for this country. I have a dear friend who is working on a research study about the harm of Christian rhetoric on the LGBTQ community. She is searching for transcripts of religious leaders making harsh statements towards this community. The transcripts could be from comments back in the 1970s and 1980s all the way up to current comments. If you or anyone in this community can help to access such transcripts please let me know.

Thank You,

Dawn W.

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MK, You are brave and also generous to share your faith journey with us. We share the same hometown, and after 2016 and beyond, I started viewing a lot of fellow Christians in a different light. It was a time when everyone's bigotry, and hatred for others who don't share their narrow-minded focus on what it means to be a Christian began to surface (and become socially acceptable.) Yes, our community is educated and it is so different from the rest of the state in many ways, but we also have our fair share of narrow-minded Christians. I have not lost or distanced myself from friends with these types of attitudes, but have just chosen not to engage with them on certain topics (mainly political!). I fear for our country and what it is becoming. But Just wanted to tell you I enjoy your writing - you are able to put into words so well what I am feeling.

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It has been such a gift after falling somewhat unintentionally into the deconstruction space to find voices, especially female voices, already here and working hard and writing and reaching out and giving words to what I’ve gone through. So thank you for being one of them!

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I always remember we change every 7 years...almost all of our cells die and turn over. I think it's growth or death, and you've grown. Keep sharing. It helps the rest of us. I'm a fellow native Alabamian who has gone a long way from home, yet it's still part of me.

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I want to be just like you when I grow up.😉 what a blessing you are and example of courage being authentically you…always. As a writer trying to find my community to inspire and connect with your honesty and vulnerability inspires me to continue doing the same. Thank you! Love that you’re here on Substack! 🥰

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I enjoy your outlook. Honestly being a whole healthy person is hard work. Keep going forward.

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I don't remember Jesus ever asking that question of anyone!! I wonder what makes this person think she has the right to?

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As someone who has also found community and support from writing online (and a published book!), I feel this too. Thank you for the nudge for me to thank others too!

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From the bottom of my heart, I thank YOU. Your words keep me "sane" - whatever that term means these days. Your writing keeps me going. (No pressure, MK! Lol.)

Thank you.

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