Thank you for sharing this. It really hit me deep. I always seem to tear up or smile when I read your writing. I feel so blessed that I found your writing. God bless you and your family❤️
It is a rude awakening, that reality that we are always individual.
Somehow, many people grow up knowing it. I grew up with parents that stayed together until my mother died. I am sure she thought of my father as superior to her in some ways. They were a great team, and she never figured out how to speak her truth, if it would possibly be responded to with anger. My father is not a violent man at all! They could’ve even been stronger, if she dared that.
I think, and I’m still learning here, that we can only be excellent partners when we know how precious we truly are and that we could walk away at any moment and still be precious. we have to choose each other every day.
I love you and your brave, brave heart!! Thanks for sharing it!
Did the same with my father - a resentment I didn't even realize I had till a deep perspective conversation a few years ago. Nicest man I've ever known. Finding it caught me off guard - naming it for the younger me was all I needed. Once named, the "issues" had been healed in me over the years between. Once I named it, it was gone. It's still pure growth. We look at ourselves everyday with different eyes.
Thank you for sharing this. It really hit me deep. I always seem to tear up or smile when I read your writing. I feel so blessed that I found your writing. God bless you and your family❤️
It is a rude awakening, that reality that we are always individual.
Somehow, many people grow up knowing it. I grew up with parents that stayed together until my mother died. I am sure she thought of my father as superior to her in some ways. They were a great team, and she never figured out how to speak her truth, if it would possibly be responded to with anger. My father is not a violent man at all! They could’ve even been stronger, if she dared that.
I think, and I’m still learning here, that we can only be excellent partners when we know how precious we truly are and that we could walk away at any moment and still be precious. we have to choose each other every day.
I love you and your brave, brave heart!! Thanks for sharing it!
Did the same with my father - a resentment I didn't even realize I had till a deep perspective conversation a few years ago. Nicest man I've ever known. Finding it caught me off guard - naming it for the younger me was all I needed. Once named, the "issues" had been healed in me over the years between. Once I named it, it was gone. It's still pure growth. We look at ourselves everyday with different eyes.
May you continue to heal and may each day lessen the pain until you feel more happiness from the journey than the loss.
Beautiful. I feel every word of what you’re saying. What a gift that is.
If you’re anything like me that inner pain may have been triggered by a mourning for our nation. I love you MK and thank you for sharing your heart 💜
MK, “Sand and Water” is one of my favorite songs. I love this essay, too—I’ll be thinking about it for a long time.