All those police, all that noise and the flashing lights, all that inexplicable chaos must have terrified both the man and his daughter. He chose to remain calm for the sake of his daughter. Did any of those cops have their guns out ready to open fire? There was no crime going down, just a man and his daughter with no money to keep a roof over their heads. I still have tears in my eyes because your words painted images in my mind, images of a scenario that should never happen. How cold has the collective heart of humanity become that people can see such things and look down their noses at these two vulnerable people and carry on with their lives.

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Your story really made me think. I must find a way to send more help to my Western North Carolina neighbors.

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Remember when "Paying it forward" and practicing " Random acts of kindness 'was something people actually did"? We could 'reboot' that inspired desire again. Even a small action of love and mercy performed at

Moment in time can change a person 's life and it doesn't necessarily mean lots of money.

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I think you speak for so many of our hearts.

Pray, and help whenever God puts a situation in front of us if possible.

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If we keep those in need in our hearts and minds, we will find ways to help. Thank you for sharing this, MK.

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This one really hit home today! I'm here sobbing over the incredible injustices we see on a daily basis and feel powerless to do anything about. I am especially concerned about what we are about to see and it breaks my heart. I thank you for helping me pinpoint the source of my sadness and helping me reflect on things I can do that really make a difference.

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Your story has me thinking on what I can do for others not just during the holidays but every day I have. No matter what I do I will do it thinking about this story. Thank you for sharing this!!

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Beautiful heart...as always.

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