One can only hope that there are increasing numbers of reasonable people out there reading your words and taking a long hard look at how they got here. Thank you for sharing your words and being a glimmer of light in a growing sea of darkness. ✌️ ❤️ 🐧
MK, I'm a long time reader of yours, and I'm proud of how far you've come and all that you stand for.
I'm so scared. I can't even open the Internet without seeing or reading something about Nazis. It's appalling. My family moved here 100 years ago from Germany to escape Nazis. And here 100 years later I'm thinking about moving my family BACK to Germany to... Escape ... Nazism????
Amen!! You have put my feelings into words. I am not America First, either. I have been reading substack comments from folks worldwide, which are heartbreaking. They feel America has abandoned them, and America has! Their words are piercing as they point not to Trump but to Americans! They see no mass protests or really any pushback at this administration.
I am and have been ashamed to be an American , for awhile, since black athletes were picked on for displaying free speech, since anyone with different sexual ideation was prosecuted, when anyone who looked or acted different was prosecuted
I often wonder what it would look like if the Natives returned to claim 'their land' - Something to ponder. 🤔
At times, arrogance has a weird, unexpected way of being humbled. You'd think 911 would have done that to us. Especially seeing how we were never asked to repay our allies for their love and support.
Gosh I wish I could write so eloquently while still being absolutely on point and clear. Your words help put a bandaid on my bleeding heart. It doesnt fix the gaping wound left from reading thousands of hate filled maga comments or the wounds from living under these infuriating billionaires who are taking our rights and the programs that help the poorest of Americans, BUT your words help me to know Im not alone in my worry. We can all stand together and do what we can in our own backyards, our own communities to create a resistance.
Thank you MK for always having the salve that warms our hearts so we can shake off the haters and keep doing the good work.
MK, I wept while reading your essay just now. For our country and for the many who fancy them patriots when in fact, they are just Christian Nationalists on the way to Fascism. Anyone who has ever asked themselves what they would have done in 1939 Germany, that is the question they and we must ask ourselves NOW. My father, the WWII vet, is rolling in his grave to think his sacrifices during his service to our country appear to have been in vain and that our so-called leaders have aligned themselves with a murderous dictator and not our country.
Bless you Mary Katherine! You said perfectly what I feel. I appreciate you. I'm hoping that the light is beginning to dawn in a lot of people's hearts minds and souls. Lord have mercy on our nation. ❤️❤️
Thank you for that! I hadn't watched the news since the election. But since the inauguration, its almost impossible not to look. It's like not being able to look away from a car wreck
One can only hope that there are increasing numbers of reasonable people out there reading your words and taking a long hard look at how they got here. Thank you for sharing your words and being a glimmer of light in a growing sea of darkness. ✌️ ❤️ 🐧
MK, I'm a long time reader of yours, and I'm proud of how far you've come and all that you stand for.
I'm so scared. I can't even open the Internet without seeing or reading something about Nazis. It's appalling. My family moved here 100 years ago from Germany to escape Nazis. And here 100 years later I'm thinking about moving my family BACK to Germany to... Escape ... Nazism????
I'm so scared, MK.
Thank you for sharing your words with us today.
Love you,
Amen!! You have put my feelings into words. I am not America First, either. I have been reading substack comments from folks worldwide, which are heartbreaking. They feel America has abandoned them, and America has! Their words are piercing as they point not to Trump but to Americans! They see no mass protests or really any pushback at this administration.
I am and have been ashamed to be an American , for awhile, since black athletes were picked on for displaying free speech, since anyone with different sexual ideation was prosecuted, when anyone who looked or acted different was prosecuted
The president of the US is no longer the leader of the free world. Sit on that for a moment.
He is no longer the leader of the free world as he has cast his lot in with the dictators.
Someone else will rise to that top spot, but it will be no one in the current deplorable mess of the US government.
Bravo beautiful loving human!!! And thank you for using your platform for pure goodness!!
Yes. This. All of this.
Same 😄
I often wonder what it would look like if the Natives returned to claim 'their land' - Something to ponder. 🤔
At times, arrogance has a weird, unexpected way of being humbled. You'd think 911 would have done that to us. Especially seeing how we were never asked to repay our allies for their love and support.
Gosh I wish I could write so eloquently while still being absolutely on point and clear. Your words help put a bandaid on my bleeding heart. It doesnt fix the gaping wound left from reading thousands of hate filled maga comments or the wounds from living under these infuriating billionaires who are taking our rights and the programs that help the poorest of Americans, BUT your words help me to know Im not alone in my worry. We can all stand together and do what we can in our own backyards, our own communities to create a resistance.
Thank you MK for always having the salve that warms our hearts so we can shake off the haters and keep doing the good work.
MK, I wept while reading your essay just now. For our country and for the many who fancy them patriots when in fact, they are just Christian Nationalists on the way to Fascism. Anyone who has ever asked themselves what they would have done in 1939 Germany, that is the question they and we must ask ourselves NOW. My father, the WWII vet, is rolling in his grave to think his sacrifices during his service to our country appear to have been in vain and that our so-called leaders have aligned themselves with a murderous dictator and not our country.
Thank you for speaking out LOUD and CLEAR!
Bless you Mary Katherine! You said perfectly what I feel. I appreciate you. I'm hoping that the light is beginning to dawn in a lot of people's hearts minds and souls. Lord have mercy on our nation. ❤️❤️
Thank you so much for this!
Thank you for that! I hadn't watched the news since the election. But since the inauguration, its almost impossible not to look. It's like not being able to look away from a car wreck
Thank you for speaking up, standing firm, declaring the truth, and being on the side of decency, compassion, honor, and respect.
Trump wants to take these warzones and rebuild them and invest in Real Estate and Land Rights.
This isn't about supporting Democracy, or the safety of European Nations. Trump just left NATO!
Well said MK❤️