I am a recent 47 year old single mother. My husband was a youth pastor once. We were a family. I owned a multimillion dollar business. And then, in 2021, he had a mental breakdown. My business went under. Eventually, over time, he disappeared. He gave up custody of the kids refusing to repair with them, moved out of town, cut me off completely, and here I find myself …next month I will be 48. Alone. Raising two teenagers, by myself. I get the financial part. And the lonely part. I get it all. So very much. This fall will be 3 years… but God has been faithful. I can’t say we are amazing, but we good…and we are getting are better. Things are looking up. All of it. I’m starting over, and it will take time, but it will be amazing again someday. Hugs to you. You’re welcome to message me if you need someone who’s been though it to cry with. You’ve got this. ❤️

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Oh sweetheart...I feel your pain, angst, all of that! My hardest birthday was turning 60. It scared the everliving crap out of me; felt like death was looming. Even harder was experiencing it without my husband, who passed in 2021. This too shall pass. You are so loved and so appreciated and yes, CELEBRATED! Try to enjoy a little bit of your special day - and hell yes eat the cake! Wish I could hug you but know you are loved and prayed for. You've got this! ❤️

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MK, I completely understand. I had my 60th a couple of years ago and it was a really hard one. I’m not going to go into why, but it was extremely difficult for me and trying to distract myself from it only ended up adding to the pain.

It’s easy to see why this is such a hard one for you. Your partner should have been there to help you celebrate this milestone, to make it special, and he wasn’t. It’s even sadder that this happens to so many women (and some men). Right now, though, it’s happening to you, and I’m so glad you’re taking the time to process it so you can move past it.

Keep swimming through those rough waters, MK. Even with people cheering us on, it’s a fact that we still have to do the strokes on our own. But there are peaceful harbors and beautiful lagoons ahead, and I know you will reach them. I have complete, utter faith in you.


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Happy 40th birthday to a beautiful young lady. From someone twice your age who has been alone and now lonely, I know when I do get out among friends, family I feel much better so hope you find time to celebrate!

You have made it this far and it may not seem like it but you’ve already accomplished a lot. Try to look at all the positive things you’ve done during this difficult time. They say God only gives us what we can handle and I know at times, it’s overwhelming. But you are strong and you will make it. So sending love and lots of prayers your way

Have a blessed birthday and Easter

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You look Beautiful!! Numbers mean nothing! It is how you feel in your heart and soul. Own it girl!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ❣️❤️💞

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Even though I've been single momming it for 5 years, my 40th in January had a different weight to it. I've never been big on my birthday but through the sadness I planned the whole damn weekend myself. With seven of my closest ladies, an atypical night out in Nashville was one of my most healing nights spent outside of the woods. Your 41st will look different. So will your 42nd. Who knows, maybe your 45th will be the one where you load up seven of your besties on a Drag Bus in Nashville and sing and dance to millennial bangers. It takes time for all of this stuff to shake out and settle but I know full and well how hard it is to be patient with the process...Happy Birthday! Be sad. Soak in the good parts. Hug and laugh with those kiddos during this glorious weather day in HSV!!!

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Happy birthday! Mine (40th) is just around the corner, 4th of July. Today is my first day on Substack and I don’t even know who you are. But I do now, I get it. You’re a kindred spirit :) we all are. Thanks for speaking this. I saw myself with you in your comments/feelings and then felt compassion for me instead of embarrassment. Did you do this on purpose? Am I going to be wise soon too? ;)

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Sending you LOVE on your Birthday! You have all the words to explain your deep feelings about what is going on in your life...for me it was so healing to write my words too after my mother died. Losses are so difficult...healing is definitely possible. I hope you are able to celebrate you today and all that you are at this moment...Eat Cake!

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