Wholehearted agreement. My dad has been an ordained minister for as long as I can remember, and I lived much of my childhood abroad as a missionary's kid. As an adult, I've spent the past few years deconstructing as a direct result of watching those who "claim the name" trample all over their neighbors and anybody else that doesn't agree with them 10000%. I have not lost my faith but the letters in red are what I mostly align myself with these days. The only infallible Word of God is Jesus Himself as far as I am concerned and what He said goes. Seeing folks claim to be "Christian" while hating entire groups of people reminds me of that line from The Princess Bride- "You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.". I suspect these are the same folks that will puff themselves up on judgment day and say "Lord, Lord look at what we did in your name!" right before Jesus gives them the boot. Jesus didn't give us a lot of commands: Love God with all that you are and love your neighbor as you love yourself and oh! your neighbor is defined as anyone and everyone you meet every moment of every day. Full stop.
I try to live so no one will feel the need to ask. That’s just me though. I enjoyed reading how you responded though. As a 78 year old who has searched for the kind of belief that I could live with, my path has been that of Love. Occasionally I fall off but I try not to stay off for long. It doesn’t serve me or my soul. So there’s that.
I believe in Love! I also believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Bible existed for over 2,000 years before it was retranslated to then speak against man lying with men. Prior to that it had spoken against man lying with boy(child) which is how it was originally intended to read. For almost 2,000 years it spoke against pedophilia. It wasn’t until someone reinterpreted in 1946AD, over 2,000 years after originally written that it was reworded to be against homosexuality. So for me, I follow the teachings as they existed for over 2,000 years before man used his own bias to reword it. If Jesus had intended for it to be anything other than, those who lived during his time would have written it that way in the first place or corrected the writing over two thousand years ago. I find it appalling that someone 2000 years later felt the entitlement to use their personal bias to reword the teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s even sadder that people swallowed & embraced the new edition without question even though it goes against the originally intended teachings of Christ.
It's heartbreaking the harm that has been done and is being done "in Jesus name" as a result of this and other ways his word has been translated, taught and championed. 💔
I long ago left Christianity. And in my case, that was the Southern Baptist denomination. It was, even back in the early 80s, toxic and patriarchal. Don't get me wrong. I never had a problem with the "red-letter words" of the Bible. They were honestly the only part that ever made sense. But that's not what Christianity is about these days, if it ever was.
So LOVE reading everything you write, and I strive to be brave and courageous enough to give love to all. There are our oppressors, who claim to be Christian but hate. That’s a very strong word I have used toward those who kill. I know Jesus Christ had no hate. I’m trying to “forgive them [Lord] for they know not what they do.” It’s just REALLY hard
So well-said. "Christian than know I claim to be a Christian and wonder why I don’t love." I'll share this with my Bible Study group and online attributed to you if I have your permission. Thank you. This quote really resonated with me.
I would much rather people recognize my love and wonder if I’m a Christian than know I claim to be a Christian and wonder why I don’t love. Such powerful words!! I am with you. I believe in love. I can buy into these black and white rules like I use too. There’s too much color in the world. Keep on loving everyone MK.
Amen! Thank you!! I am in the same boat, not really wanting to call myself a Christian because I’m afraid of what people will think it means. I just want to follow Jesus and love people. I hate what “Christian” has come to mean in today’s society. Thank you for sharing what you believe!
As the ex-wife of a pastor, whose church was fundamentalist Non-Denominational, I find my self fed and refreshed by your views and posts MK.
I stopped listening to our church's sermons when the abuse, alcoholism, cheating, and porn addition were not an issue to himself, as he prayed for forgiveness each event, and "purposed" to change. Never did, but told me I couldn't judge because GOD had forgiven him.
Finally I filed for divorce.
So freeing, I was counseled though that the WORST marriage is still better than the BEST divorce. I dug up some colorful language for my reply to that.
I have since searched out God on my terms... having realized that my relationship with Him was suffering.
All that to say, do much of what you share resonates with me, with my soul.
Humor is my medicine, and you're good at supplying that!
Having untied and unfastened false bonds, the world as I see it is an imperfect wonderful people filled place!
God is my Rock. Quiet times are key, and my soul renovation is ongoing.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” - Matthew 22:37-40 NIV;
Good for you, MK! I often think the term "Catholic" is one I would ask the questioner to define. I probably don't qualify under their meaning, but I am definitely a Christian, "roaming" Catholic who was "self-excommunicated" when I joined Spiritus Christi here in Rochester, NY. My pastors and even the volunteers who were at Corpus Christi were fired by Rome for 1. allowing women on the altar, 2. blessing gay/lesbian unions, and 3. inviting all to the Communion table. Seems like following Christ was not something the Vatican would allow. I feel blessed to have found and been part of an alternative. Wishing you strength to follow what you know is true.
I enjoyed reading what your thoughts are about "are you a christian". I know that if I needed to meet someone's standards of being a Christian, I would probably fail miserably. But I have learned that what I am about is between me and God. He knows my heart, my thoughts, and who I am and where I have been and where I am going. He made me, and He understands me, my downfalls, and shortcomings. That is really all that matters!
I could cry reading this because I feel your words so deeply. It is so comforting and empowering to know someone else has thoughts just like mine. I tried to explain this to someone a few years ago. I don’t often subscribe to labels especially when their meaning is globally inconsistent. Thank you so much for your words. Just got one of your books for Christmas! Happy New Year!
Wholehearted agreement. My dad has been an ordained minister for as long as I can remember, and I lived much of my childhood abroad as a missionary's kid. As an adult, I've spent the past few years deconstructing as a direct result of watching those who "claim the name" trample all over their neighbors and anybody else that doesn't agree with them 10000%. I have not lost my faith but the letters in red are what I mostly align myself with these days. The only infallible Word of God is Jesus Himself as far as I am concerned and what He said goes. Seeing folks claim to be "Christian" while hating entire groups of people reminds me of that line from The Princess Bride- "You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.". I suspect these are the same folks that will puff themselves up on judgment day and say "Lord, Lord look at what we did in your name!" right before Jesus gives them the boot. Jesus didn't give us a lot of commands: Love God with all that you are and love your neighbor as you love yourself and oh! your neighbor is defined as anyone and everyone you meet every moment of every day. Full stop.
I try to live so no one will feel the need to ask. That’s just me though. I enjoyed reading how you responded though. As a 78 year old who has searched for the kind of belief that I could live with, my path has been that of Love. Occasionally I fall off but I try not to stay off for long. It doesn’t serve me or my soul. So there’s that.
I believe in Love! I also believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Bible existed for over 2,000 years before it was retranslated to then speak against man lying with men. Prior to that it had spoken against man lying with boy(child) which is how it was originally intended to read. For almost 2,000 years it spoke against pedophilia. It wasn’t until someone reinterpreted in 1946AD, over 2,000 years after originally written that it was reworded to be against homosexuality. So for me, I follow the teachings as they existed for over 2,000 years before man used his own bias to reword it. If Jesus had intended for it to be anything other than, those who lived during his time would have written it that way in the first place or corrected the writing over two thousand years ago. I find it appalling that someone 2000 years later felt the entitlement to use their personal bias to reword the teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s even sadder that people swallowed & embraced the new edition without question even though it goes against the originally intended teachings of Christ.
It's heartbreaking the harm that has been done and is being done "in Jesus name" as a result of this and other ways his word has been translated, taught and championed. 💔
I Love your view of being a Christian and agree with all my heart and soul MK💕
My former yoga instructor said it best: Love, just love. The Beatles also said it pretty well, too: All you need is love. ✌️ & ❤️, everyone.
I long ago left Christianity. And in my case, that was the Southern Baptist denomination. It was, even back in the early 80s, toxic and patriarchal. Don't get me wrong. I never had a problem with the "red-letter words" of the Bible. They were honestly the only part that ever made sense. But that's not what Christianity is about these days, if it ever was.
So LOVE reading everything you write, and I strive to be brave and courageous enough to give love to all. There are our oppressors, who claim to be Christian but hate. That’s a very strong word I have used toward those who kill. I know Jesus Christ had no hate. I’m trying to “forgive them [Lord] for they know not what they do.” It’s just REALLY hard
I’m glad no one’s asked me that question in a long time, but I love how you did
So well-said. "Christian than know I claim to be a Christian and wonder why I don’t love." I'll share this with my Bible Study group and online attributed to you if I have your permission. Thank you. This quote really resonated with me.
I would much rather people recognize my love and wonder if I’m a Christian than know I claim to be a Christian and wonder why I don’t love. Such powerful words!! I am with you. I believe in love. I can buy into these black and white rules like I use too. There’s too much color in the world. Keep on loving everyone MK.
Amen! Thank you!! I am in the same boat, not really wanting to call myself a Christian because I’m afraid of what people will think it means. I just want to follow Jesus and love people. I hate what “Christian” has come to mean in today’s society. Thank you for sharing what you believe!
As the ex-wife of a pastor, whose church was fundamentalist Non-Denominational, I find my self fed and refreshed by your views and posts MK.
I stopped listening to our church's sermons when the abuse, alcoholism, cheating, and porn addition were not an issue to himself, as he prayed for forgiveness each event, and "purposed" to change. Never did, but told me I couldn't judge because GOD had forgiven him.
Finally I filed for divorce.
So freeing, I was counseled though that the WORST marriage is still better than the BEST divorce. I dug up some colorful language for my reply to that.
I have since searched out God on my terms... having realized that my relationship with Him was suffering.
All that to say, do much of what you share resonates with me, with my soul.
Humor is my medicine, and you're good at supplying that!
Having untied and unfastened false bonds, the world as I see it is an imperfect wonderful people filled place!
God is my Rock. Quiet times are key, and my soul renovation is ongoing.
Love to you and encouragement to keep being YOU!!
@Pamela. I loved reading this; it was entirely encouraging. Thank you for your bravery in fleeing that marriage and sharing your experiences.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” - Matthew 22:37-40 NIV;
Mark 12:29–31 NIV
Good for you, MK! I often think the term "Catholic" is one I would ask the questioner to define. I probably don't qualify under their meaning, but I am definitely a Christian, "roaming" Catholic who was "self-excommunicated" when I joined Spiritus Christi here in Rochester, NY. My pastors and even the volunteers who were at Corpus Christi were fired by Rome for 1. allowing women on the altar, 2. blessing gay/lesbian unions, and 3. inviting all to the Communion table. Seems like following Christ was not something the Vatican would allow. I feel blessed to have found and been part of an alternative. Wishing you strength to follow what you know is true.
I enjoyed reading what your thoughts are about "are you a christian". I know that if I needed to meet someone's standards of being a Christian, I would probably fail miserably. But I have learned that what I am about is between me and God. He knows my heart, my thoughts, and who I am and where I have been and where I am going. He made me, and He understands me, my downfalls, and shortcomings. That is really all that matters!
Yesss! I find this so hard to put into words for people who aren't in a similar place. Thank you for doing so in such a beautiful way. ❤️
I could cry reading this because I feel your words so deeply. It is so comforting and empowering to know someone else has thoughts just like mine. I tried to explain this to someone a few years ago. I don’t often subscribe to labels especially when their meaning is globally inconsistent. Thank you so much for your words. Just got one of your books for Christmas! Happy New Year!