MK, so much of what you wrote here hit me square in the face. Not because I am basking in the glow of newfound love but because I've had a hell of a last 24 hours. Yesterday I had what can only be described as a total emotional collapse. It got dark, and until this afternoon I was really having a hard time seeing the sun. I leaned on some friends, heavily, and with their help, I got to the next minute, and the next, and the next, and after many text messages and phone calls, a sliver of sunlight emerged. Not 15 minutes later, I received the notification about this post. So, it's with tears in my eyes, a modicum of open-ended hope, and big feelings with no expectations that I thank you for sharing this bit of light you have found. The world needs more of it.

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You said everything I was about to say. Sounds like we’ve had the same kind of week. “Hope” it gets better for you.

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You as well, Angela.

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Trust genuine laughter

Genuine affectio

Genuine respect

And how one is with pets.

Real Everyday Love.

If you can love a cat

You can love a woman

Is that so hard

to understand

If you can love a dog

You can love a man

Just that simple

Curve of hand

It's all in the touch

And how a heart respects

Reaching out affection

And how the voice inflects

It's not the thought

You think that counts

It's the daily act

In tall amounts

Malcolm McKinney. 2024

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Mary Katherine, I’m 78 years old, went through 15 years of a first marriage when I had my two sons, divorced and remade my life as a single, remarried, have seen my sweet husband of 41 years transition and have moved to another country with my dog. The only way I got through all that was to remember what my grandmother hammered into my head, “Live one day at a time”. Today we say live in the moment because none of us knows what the next minute will bring. That’s why the message of open ended hope is so important to remember and subscribe to. It’s easy to dig a hole we feel we can’t get out of(been there, done that too)but all our lives will continue. They will do so though with so much more joy without limits but with open ended hope.

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I am loving seeing your smile, and I appreciate in total what you wrote. At 62, I am at the beginning of a thing with someone that shows promising possibilities, and I am allowing myself to be open to it for the first time in years.

Purposely owning the past things, so they cannot surprise me extra, anymore than they inevitably will. Not tell myself I am too old.

It's damn fun to be twitterpated!! Why not enjoy the ride!!??

Congratulations on your twitterpation! You deserve it!

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Whatever the future holds, I am over-the-moon happy for you and I like this guy already. "Open-ended hope"... This tracks, especially for the believer. Took me a lot longer to "get it" than it seems to have taken him and for that, I am ecstatic. Most of my life I have lived with toxic anger, mostly due to unmet expectations, some reasonable and normal, others not. Hope that is tied to expectations, many of which will not, cannot be met, is indeed toxic... and why I am on marriage #4, incidentally. Funny thing, though: God knows what we need and hope is right there at the top of the list. When I stopped yelling and allowed Him to teach me the secret of open-ended hope was shortly before I got married for the last time and that has made all the difference in the world. Our 16 years have flown by and we still feel like newlyweds. I just had to let go and let God, putting my hope in Him and nothing else, expecting Him to work out the best for us and not try to force it on my own. To paraphrase, "My hope is found in nothing less than Jesus' love and bountifulness.". Grace and peace to you, dear friend!

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I LOVE this hymn!

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I am so happy for you, MK. Here’s to celebrating open-ended hope! ❤️

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I’m so happy you’ve gotten to this place, you deserve it❤️

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Welcome back to life!!! ♥️, Momma

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Mary Katherine,

I experienced “the death” you described. The divorce came after 29 years of marriage. My side was deeply devoted. I did not want the divorce. That was 18 years ago and I am still grieving. Tears and despair come often. Your description of your process back to life is thrilling. I am so happy for you. Please keep writing. It’s my desire to find the hope you talk about.


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MK, your words hit true to me, I lost my husband, he was 50, I was 51 💔 I have found a new love, my chapter 2, and I know that our souls already knew each other, but the fear creeps in! What if he dies too, can I cope with another loss, am I ready, is it too soon, will others think I didn’t really love my husband as I have been lucky enough to find love again! I have worked really hard through my grief and to find myself again now that I won’t grow old with my amazing husband! I think these niggles are just me being human, and I am going with trusting my instincts because they are telling me that my emotions are spot on, my soul knows ♥️ the worst that can happen is I fail, now that can’t be worse than the loss of my husband, and I may just have connected with my twin

Flame! I am going with love, joy happiness and that glow, girl that glow makes you look and feel so good! Wishing you all the love, for your really bright future!

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I love seeing the love in your eyes, MK. I love reading the lines - and between the lines - of the love you are discovering for yourself and life right now, too. ♥

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This is amazing!!! I relate to so much of this. Thank you, I needed to hear it. So happy for you! 💜

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Remember you are Loved, Honored & Cherished.

We all are rejoicing with you 💜

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Continued Peace be with you!!

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Bravo, MK!🥰🥰

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You are a very inspiring person. I have missed your posts. Hope you the best in life. Keep up the writing and love reading them.

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