Momma is a genius. And this article is right on the money.

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I’m coming up on the 5-year anniversary of my husband’s death, so I’ve been reflecting a lot on how I’m feeling and how I’ve changed. And yes, I’m well aware that death isn’t the same as divorce. But it’s all grief, isn’t it? And what has been lost isn’t just what was but what would have been. In any case, this is the best thing I’ve read about grief in a while and I’m sitting her sobbing because you can’t control how or when you feel. But how I’m doing (a concept I’d also never separated from how I’m feeling)? I’m doing fine. And that’s an OK place to be.

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I am crying because I’m so proud of you, because your mom is brilliant and because, dear GOD, I feel you. What a gift you have, MK!

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I love that your momma came and just did and said exactly what you needed. This article was amazing and a great reminder of “this too shall pass.”

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I haven’t been through divorce, but this really spoke to me! The feelings vs. doing bit, brilliant! And what an encouragement for a woman in mid life who is trying to invent her next chapter. I think I need to water my roots. And your mama, wow! I want to be that kind of mama to my kids.

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This is lovely and very well stated, pertinent and useful in managing grief generally as well as specific to divorce. And your mom was really impressive!

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Great article. Got me thinking of a recently divorced coworker, who is experiencing most of the darker emotions you have described. This article might be helpful.

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Great read! Hit home a lot for me. Thank goodness for therapists! The best thing I learned was to allow the grief and not just try to push it down. There were days I needed to lay in bed with a coffee and endless stream of movies and order pizza for me and my kids. Lots of pizza nights in that first year… lots and lots of pizza! I’m 7 years divorced, never even dated again and am so incredibly fulfilled and happy. Took a very veeeeeery long time to get to that place and I don’t ever see myself with someone else, but that’s okay. I’ve learned everyone has their own journey. Thanks for a good read!

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You have an awesome mama! Wishing you more healing with time.

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Right there with you MK and mamas are the best

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MK, this is so profound and well-expressed. God bless Momma. Sing on!!!

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This is so powerful. Thank you - for telling your story. For the hope this gives so many people.

Also, Mommas are the best ❤️

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Your mom is the mom I want to be when I “grow up!” Thank God for her, your therapist, the hard work you’re doing, your adorable kids…and for God Himself in your life! May your journey continue to be blessed.

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Your Mom is Awesome!

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You have a great Momma!

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This is awesome. And so are you!

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